30th May 2023 - 2nd June 2023 | Bizkaia Aretoa | Bilbao | Spain | Europe
imagen ponente

Alessandra Napolitano

University of Naples Federico II


Alessandra Napolitano is professor in Organic Chemistry at Naples University Federico II since 2011. Her research interests are centred largely on the chemistry of natural products with special emphasis on the structure and reactivity of melanins (eumelanin and pheomelanins,) and melanin-like polymers including polydopamine; Design, antioxidant properties and reactivity of natural phenolics; Preparation of biomaterials from natural polyphenol polymers for applications in food and biomedical fields; Nature-inspired redox-active systems based on heterocyclic compounds.

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  • espcr
  • UPV / EHU Zientzia
  • UPV / EHU Medikuntza

Scientific Endorsement

  • GEM
  • bioCruces Bizkaia

Public Sponsors

  • Eusko Jaurlaritza, Osasun saila


  • Bristol Meyers
  • Euskampus
  • Innoprot
  • MSD
  • Proquinorte
  • Teknovas