30th May 2023 - 2nd June 2023 | Bizkaia Aretoa | Bilbao | Spain | Europe
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Corine Bertolotto

Université Côte D’Azur


Dr Corine Bertolotto is a research Director at INSERM, France. Over the past 20 years, her team has sought to identify the mechanisms involved in cutaneous melanoma development, progression and resistance to treatment with a special focus on the transcription factor MITF. Recently, her team also embarked on projects aimed at studying the molecular mechanisms involved in a more rare form of melanomas occurring in the eye.

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  • espcr
  • UPV / EHU Zientzia
  • UPV / EHU Medikuntza

Scientific Endorsement

  • GEM
  • bioCruces Bizkaia

Public Sponsors

  • Eusko Jaurlaritza, Osasun saila


  • Bristol Meyers
  • Euskampus
  • Innoprot
  • MSD
  • Proquinorte
  • Teknovas