30th May 2023 - 2nd June 2023 | Bizkaia Aretoa | Bilbao | Spain | Europe

Social programme

Welcome reception
Welcome reception

Bizkaia Aretoa


On the first day of the IPCC2023 conference, there will be an opening event in the venue's main room where we will have the chance to meet and where the main institutions involved in the conference will present its hopes and expectations for it.

Social event - Awards ceremony
Social event - Awards ceremony

Euskalduna palace


The Euskalduna Palace is located in the centre of Bilbao right next to the river and it is a symbol of Bilbao 21st century’s architecture. The building was designed by architects Federico Soriano and Dolores Palacios to resemble a ship under construction, because it stands on the site formerly occupied by the Euskalduna shipyard. It won the Enric Miralles award for architecture at the 6th Spanish Architecture Biennial in 2001.


  • espcr
  • UPV / EHU Zientzia
  • UPV / EHU Medikuntza

Scientific Endorsement

  • GEM
  • bioCruces Bizkaia

Public Sponsors

  • Eusko Jaurlaritza, Osasun saila


  • Bristol Meyers
  • Euskampus
  • Innoprot
  • MSD
  • Proquinorte
  • Teknovas